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Walk types

GPS-based walks

Dunamente Turisztikai TérségThe walks of GUIDE@HAND were designed so that you can simply put your mobile in your pocket as an audio guide.

We guide you through the routes from sight to sight and all the necessary information is given and the stories are told automatically in the right place at the right time. During your walk you can always find your actual location on the map, and if you wish you can follow and view what has been said in pictures and texts.

Your location is determined with the help of a satellite navigation system. It might happen that your location becomes imprecise due to high buildings or weather conditions. During the walk a blue, transparent, flashing circle shows the next stop, the point you have to reach. If you cannot approach this because of the inaccuracy of the GPS, tap the blue circle for activation, and the walk will continue.



Help to access the walks:

Help to access the walks


Availability: GUIDE@HAND Budapest -> "Tours" menu -> "Walks" category


List-based walks

MiskolcIn case due to the large distance between the sights or for some other reason it is not advisable to use GPS navigation to lead the user from sight to sight, a list of sights is displayed instead.

If the user clicks on a sight various information (text, audio, picture, video, etc.) about the given sight gets presented. For the sake of easier selection, the items of the list are arranged in the order of their distance from the current location – with the closest item always on the top of the list.

List-based walk - Lillafüred
List-based walk - Lillafüred
List-based walk - Lillafüred
List-based walk - Lillafüred
List-based walk - Lillafüred


Download the app:


Availability: GUIDE@HAND Miskolc -> "Walks" menu -> "Walks" category


QR-code-based walks

Art on the StreetIf the walk covers items inside of a building or if the sights are too close to each other, a QR-code placed next to the given item can be used to unfold appropriate information about them.

The Hungarian National Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts put 25 masterpieces on show in the heart of Madrid in 2014. The giant banners under the title „Art on the Street from Budapest” exhibited reproductions of - among others - paintings of El Greco, Leonardo, Raffaello as well as Mihály Munkácsy. The exhibition realized in the downtown of Madrid, at the Plaza de Colón, next to the National Library, close to the Prado Museum, intended to draw the attention on the rich collection of the shortly before reunited museums, on their national and international creations, famous all over Europe.

The mobile app created by our developers to support the event included additional details about the paintings in text and pictures and helped to extend the coverage of visitors. The supplementary information was made accessible using a QR-code reader on the spot.

Art on the Street
Art on the Street
Art on the Street
Art on the Street
Art on the Street


Availability: GUIDE@HAND Art on the Street - was only available during the exhibition in 2014


Walks with panorama pictures

MiskolcPeople can look around at exciting sights with the help of panorama pictures without having to travel to the given location.

This solution can help if the large distance prevents you to visit an interesting sight, or if handicapped people intend to get acquainted with the given location. It can also help tourists to have a detailed look at the target sight prior to their trip and decide whether it is worth to travel there.

Walks with panorama pictures - Miskolc
Walks with panorama pictures - Miskolc
Walks with panorama pictures - Miskolc
Walks with panorama pictures - Miskolc
Walks with panorama pictures - Miskolc


Download the app:


Availability: GUIDE@HAND Miskolc -> "Walks" menu -> "Panoramas" category


Virtual panorama pictures

FerencvárosUser experience can be significantly improved if virtual panorama pictures are created by placing parts of the picture on the internal surface of a cylinder.

In order to support the events of the Days of Poetry of Ferencváros a virtual sonnet wreath was developed in 2016. The content was based on the works of contemporary poets, on paintings of some 10-16 years old pupils learning arts at the Attila József Primary School and on pieces of music by the Kaláka band.

Looking around can be completed in two ways, either by moving the mobile or by manual control. If you click on a painting the text of the associated poem can be read, while the related music is getting played back.

Ünnepi szonettkoszorú
Ünnepi szonettkoszorú
Ünnepi szonettkoszorú
Ünnepi szonettkoszorú
Ünnepi szonettkoszorú


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József Attila séta

Only available in Hungarian, see: GUIDE@HAND Budapest -> "Séták" menu -> "Tematikus" category